Handout-IRS scams View More Details
CFPB’s fraud prevention resources can be used in a variety of settings, including libraries, meal sites, financial institutions, community center, and faith-based organizations, to reinforce prevention and reporting of scams.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Large format handout/Placemat-Grandparents scams (Spanish) View More Details
Recursos educativos del CFPB que pueden utilizarse en una variedad de lugares tales como bibliotecas, comedores, instituciones financieras, centros comunitarios y organizaciones basadas en la fe para reforzar la prevención y la denuncia de las estafas.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Large format handout/Placemat-Charity scam View More Details
CFPB’s fraud prevention resources can be used in a variety of settings, including libraries, meal sites, financial institutions, community center, and faith-based organizations, to reinforce prevention and reporting of scams.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Money Smart for Older Adults Resource Guide View More Details
Recently updated, this guide, in easy-to-read 14 point font, provides information on common frauds, scams and other forms of elder financial exploitation and suggests steps that older persons and their caregivers can take to avoid being targeted or victimized.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Handout-IRS scams (Spanish) View More Details
Recursos educativos del CFPB que pueden utilizarse en una variedad de lugares tales como bibliotecas, comedores, instituciones financieras, centros comunitarios y organizaciones basadas en la fe para reforzar la prevención y la denuncia de las estafas.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English