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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive.

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Youth Financial Education Publications

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We found 28 publications for "Youth Financial Education" category (viewing 21 - 28)

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Understanding Credit Card Statements Poster
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17 x 22 full-color poster showing students a sample credit card statement for one billing period.
Available: in print, as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
Understanding Credit Scores Poster
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17" x 22" full-color poster reviewing the five elements of the FICO model that determine a person’s credit score.
Available: in print, as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
Using the teaching tool
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The Personal Finance Teaching Tool is a quick reference guide to help educators identify teaching techniques and learning strategies to address the three building blocks for developing lifelong personal finance decision-making skills.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
What is Debt? Poster
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17" x 22" full-color poster answering four common questions about debt.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
What is Insurance? Poster
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17" x 22" full-color poster defining common types of insurance purchased to protect against financial losses.
Available: in print, as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
What's Your Money Style? Poster
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17" x 22" full-color poster describing how people make choices about their money.
Available: in print, as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
Youth financial education curriculum review tool
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The Youth Financial Education Curriculum Review Tool can be used by educators, teachers, and curriculum specialists to review financial education materials and determine which financial education curriculum best suits their students.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
Youth financial education research priorities
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This CFPB report lays out key unanswered research questions in youth financial education identified by a range of stakeholders.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free

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