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Child Care

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We found 87 publications that match your search terms (viewing 41 - 50)

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Image of Publication Cover Servir leche en el CACFP
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Spanish language version of the Serving Milk in the CACFP training worksheet. This double-sided training worksheet highlights the different options for milk served in the CACFP. Each item includes 25 training worksheets.
Available: in print, online
Language: Spanish
Item #: FNS654-S
Image of Publication Cover Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List
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This eight-page training worksheet shows you how to use the ingredient list to identify whole grain-rich foods in the CACFP. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS655
Image of Publication Cover Use la lista de ingredientes para identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral en el CACFP
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Spanish version of Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List. This eight-page training worksheet shows you how to use the ingredient list to identify whole grain-rich foods in the CACFP. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: Spanish
Item #: FNS655-S
Image of Publication Cover Methods for Healthy Cooking
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This double-sided training worksheet highlights healthy cooking methods and foods that may be served as part of a reimbursable meal in the CACFP. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS656
Image of Publication Cover Serving Meat and Meat Alternates at Breakfast
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This double-sided training worksheet shows how to include meat or meat alternates as part of a reimbursable breakfast in the CACFP. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS657
Image of Publication Cover Grain-Based Desserts in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
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This double-sided training worksheet provides guidance on grain-based desserts in the CACFP. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS658
Image of Publication Cover Calculating Sugar Limits for Yogurt in the CACFP
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This double-sided training worksheet shows the steps to calculate whether a yogurt meets CACFP sugar limits. English on one side, Spanish on the reverse. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS661/661S
Image of Publication Cover Calculating Sugar Limits for Breakfast Cereals in the CACFP
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This double-sided training worksheet shows the steps to calculate whether a cereal meets CACFP sugar limits. English on one side, Spanish on the reverse. Available in packs of 25 copies.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS662/662S
Image of Publication Cover Serve Tasty and Healthy Foods in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Sample Meals for Children Ages 1-2/ Sirva alimentos sanos y sabrosos en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP)
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Using original photography taken especially for CACFP settings, these 11” by 17” posters support the implementation of the CACFP meal patterns by showing samples of a reimbursable breakfast, lunch/supper, and snack for the 1 through 2 year old age group. English on one side, Spanish on the reverse. Each item includes 5 posters.
Available: in print, online
Languages: English
Item #: FNS667E/S
Image of Publication Cover Serve Tasty and Healthy Foods in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Sample Meals for Children Ages 3-5/Sirva alimentos sanos y sabrosos en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP)
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Using original photography taken especially for CACFP settings, these 11” by 17” posters support the implementation of the CACFP meal patterns by showing samples of a reimbursable breakfast, lunch/supper, and snack for the 3 through 5 year old age group. English on one side, Spanish on the reverse. Each item includes 5 posters.
Available: in print, online
Language: English
Item #: FNS668E/S

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