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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive.

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Your Money, Your Goals Publications

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We found 13 publications for "Your Money, Your Goals" category (viewing 11 - 13)

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Behind on Bills? Start with one step (Spanish)
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Behind on Bills looks like a booklet that is 5” x 8.5”, with tools that fold out to a full-size 8.5” x 11” sheet. This resource was designed to be used in a one-on-one facilitated conversation. If you’re using Behind on Bills with someone, make a copy of the relevant tool, so that you can write on it. Each tool is designed specifically in black and white, to make photocopying easy and convenient.
Available: in print
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Want credit to work for you? Start with these steps. (Spanish)
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This publication is temporarily out of stock and will be reprinted. Please check back at a later date to place an order.
Available: in print
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Your money, your goals: A financial empowerment toolkit (Spanish)
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The Spanish edition of the Your Money, Your Goals financial empowerment toolkit has information that helps you have the money conversation with the people you serve. Use the tools to help achieve goals and work through challenges.
Available: as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free

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