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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive.

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Library Promotional Publications

Youth Financial Education Reports

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Building blocks help youth achieve financial capability
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Building blocks help youth achieve financial capability
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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) researched the childhood origins of financial capability and well-being to identify where and when during childhood and adolescence people acquire the foundations of financial capability and found promising practices and strategies to support their development.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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Building Blocks to Help Youth Achieve Financial Capability: Measurement Guide
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Building Blocks to Help Youth Achieve Financial Capability: Measurement Guide
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Review the research on key measures to assess young people’s progress toward achieving milestones of financial capability.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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Youth financial education research priorities
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Youth financial education research priorities
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This CFPB report lays out key unanswered research questions in youth financial education identified by a range of stakeholders.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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