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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive.

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Credit Publications


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We found 54 publications for "Credit" category (viewing 11 - 20)

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Understand your credit report
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Be prepared for the next time you request your free credit report. Get to know and understand all the parts of the report, what they mean, and how they affect your credit situation.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
Understand your credit score
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Banks, credit card companies and other businesses use credit scores to estimate how likely you are to pay back money you borrow.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
Watch accounts closely when card data is hacked
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Keep a close eye on your account activity and report suspicious transactions quickly if you believe someone stole your credit or debit card information.
Available: as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
You have a right to see specialty consumer reports
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Consumers may not know about all the specialty credit reporting agencies collecting information about them. This consumer advisory instructs consumers that these agencies exist and that they have the right to get free reports every 12 months.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
Check your credit report at least once a year (Spanish)
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Formas gratuitas de verificar su informe crediticio para buscar y solucionar problemas, actualizar su información y protegerse contra el robo de identidad.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Helping consumers spot credit discrimination (Spanish)
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Ayudar a los consumidores a entender mejor sus derechos, bajo la Ley de Igualdad para la Oportunidad al Crédito (ECOA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Available: as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
How to rebuild your credit (Spanish)
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Conozca los pasos que puede tomar para recuperarse de un reto financiero que dañó su credito
Available: as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Know your rights: Credit discrimination is illegal (Spanish)
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Bajo la ley federal, los prestamistas no pueden discriminar a usted.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Understand your credit report (Spanish)
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Comprenda su informe de crédito
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free
Understand your credit score (Spanish)
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Los bancos, las compañías de tarjetas de crédito y otras empresas utilizan los puntajes de crédito para estimar su probabilidad de devolver el dinero que pide prestado.
Available: as pdf
Languages: Spanish and English
Cost: Free

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