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CFPB Bulk Publications

Order FREE Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Publications.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive.

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Credit Publications

Credit Cards

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Act fast if you can't pay your credit cards
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Act fast if you can't pay your credit cards
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Three steps to take when you don't have enough money to pay your credit card bill. How to avoid debt-counseling scams.
Available: as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
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How to Find the Best Credit Card for You
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How to Find the Best Credit Card for You
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This brochure instructs consumers what to look for when they consider getting credit card. It encourages shopping different terms and rates and includes instructions on transferring balances.
Available: in print, as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
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How to fix mistakes in your credit card bill
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How to fix mistakes in your credit card bill
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Follow these five steps to dispute incorrect charges or fees.
Available: as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
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How to stop mystery credit card fees
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How to stop mystery credit card fees
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Consumers may not be aware that add-on services are optional or cost more. This consumer advisory warns consumers to watch out for these extra fees.
Available: as pdf
Languages: English and Spanish
Cost: Free
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My credit spending rule to live by
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My credit spending rule to live by
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This worksheet can help you create your own customized financial rule of thumb for meeting your spending goals.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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